Sunday, April 27, 2008

Politics? Power? Rich?

I'm using RED font to express my disappointment and anger as well. Well, let me start with a few words. Politics, Power, Colonization, Rich, Discrimination, Corruption - do all these words ring a bell in your head? That's what's happening in the world right now. As you stand/sit/ do whatever you're doing, yes, the world around you is revolving in these things. I am beginning to feel that we are getting thrown back into times before independence day but today, it's worse. We are getting screwed by our own system! Last week when my house in Miri almost got broken into, my inner anger system was triggered. He didn't manage to get in but anyhow, i was still mad! These people are not simple, they dare rob, they dare steal, they dare commit crimes! Why? First, law enforcement is crap, they're not real, they do not really WORK! Second, they are being backed up by freaking PO(s)!! (Ask me if you don't know what PO is) Thirdly, PO(s) are being backed up by SSC(ask me again if you don't know). And lastly, SSC are being backed up by SP(s)!!! So it's all one big circle~ One very big circle. What is the world coming to? And they blame it all on God, blame it on Churches. The worst creatures on earth are not fowls, are not tigers, not sharks, it's in fact, human/man itself. I go against discrimination, I go against corruption, I go against crime but what am I compared to the rich and powerful? I am nothing. To them, money makes a difference but do they ever know to us, PEACE makes the most difference?

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